Friday, April 1, 2011

Click Click Click Click.


Yes, today is the first of April. It is also April Fools Day. To me, this "holiday" is pointless. Sure it is funny to get a couple of laughs from pranks, but some pranks are not nice and it can be quite annoying. Not saying a bad prank was pulled on me, because it wasn't thank goodness! But for some people, it could really suck! I only got pranked once today by my friend Devon. I had met up with him in the library along with Alex and some other friends and I had asked him what we did in Track practice yesterday because I wasn't there. He told me that I was kicked off the team because it was the second day this week I did not attend practice. Stupidly believing him I said WHAT?! As he said seconds after, April Fools! But thank goodness this only goes on until the afternoon otherwise you're the fool!

Anyways, it's Friday! My weekend project: Camera Cupcakes! My boyfriend had asked me if I could make cupcakes that he could bring into work for his birthday that passed. Whenever it is someones birthday they have to bring in some sort of treat. So he wanted to bring in cupcakes, and seeing as he works in a camera store, I thought I would make Camera Cupcakes! I have absolutely no idea how this is going to work out, but I have an idea! I'm going to make half a batch of chocolate cupcakes and half a batch of vanilla. I'm going to apply vanilla icing to all of the cupcakes. I am then going to place a mini Oreo Cookie on to each one of the cupcakes, (Camera lens). From there, I'm going to take black icing gel and draw the outline of a camera around it including buttons. From the way it appears in my head, I'd say they're going to turn out quite cute!

As for the rest of my weekend, work and English homework! :)

I wish I could make my cupcakes look this good!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

On Your Mark, Get Set... Go!

Well I didn't go to school today!

Today was the Literacy Test for the grade 10 students and for any other students who did not pass it the first time. Luckily for me, I passed it the first time. English has always been one of my best subjects. Grade nine- 98% Grade ten- 77% Grade eleven- 87% and I am currently taking English this semester and am sitting at a 99%. I'm a very opinionated and descriptive person so it helps a lot when answering questions to stories or writing essays.

Anyways, I got to sleep in this morning! The Literacy Test was only occurring in the morning so I was supposed to attend my fourth and fifth period classes. However, as the time went on, I did not want to move from my bed. So I decided to stay home for the whole day. We weren't doing anything productive in my classes anyways seeing as half of the students wouldn't even be there due to the fact that their school buses come to pick them up in the morning.

So because I stayed home today, I missed Track practice as well. I don't think it would have made a difference if I was there anyways seeing as I can barely walk! My calfs and ankles are so sore, it makes it very difficult to walk properly. When coming to a standing position from sitting, I move so slowly it's ridiculous. I have never felt this way before after doing any sort of physical activity.

Even though I am unbelievably sore, Track is going good for me so far! I've been to two practices so far and I'm slowly getting back into shape! My first practice, we warmed up by running laps of the school. I ran the basement, then first floor, second floor, third floor, then back down to second floor, first floor and basement. Embarrassingly, I was the last one to finish my laps. However this did not bother me! I am in it to get back in shape and loose my tummy-chub. After running our laps, we did exercises that will help us improve on our events. Then to wrap up our practice, we ran the stairs. I do not like the stairs. The stairs are not my friend. My legs were so numb and weak by this point, that I thought I was going to fall down or up the stairs. It was brutal! But just what I needed to start me off!

My second practice involved a lot of running. We did our warm-up; a run of the school and then headed outside to the Track. Myself being opposed to cold weather, sadly had no say in this decision seeing as the whole Track team thought it was a good idea to run outside. I'm very sensitive to cold weather and can not stand it. Also my joints tend to act up in the cold weather causing myself to move slower than usual. Despite the coldness, I tried my hardest. We did our usual exercises and then began running. We ran three laps of the track and five 100 meter sprints. If this were me last year, I would have found a way to get out of it. However this year it's a different story. I must say I'm quite proud of myself for completing all of the required running. Even if it has caused me all of this pain!

Hopefully from here on, it will only get better! :)

TD Waterhouse.
This is where TVRAA is held. :)
In this meet, you must place top 8 to move on.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Early Birdie.

Another Friday.

Another weekend. A weekend of work obviously. Also a weekend of homework, but that's no surprise either. However I did give myself something to look forward to this weekend, SHOPPING!

Today, is a good Friday. Today is PAY DAY! Which means I get to go out and buy myself something! It was officially the first day of Spring this past Sunday and despite the fact that there is still snow in London, I'm going to buy myself something I need for summer. That would be a new pair of shorts.

All of my shorts from last Summer are too small for me now. So I am in desperate need of shorts so when the gorgeous weather decides to wake up from it's very long nap, I am ready for it! I had purchased a pair of denim jean shorts from American Eagle last year and they are by far my favourite pair of shorts. That is why I am going to purchase my new shorts from American Eagle as well! And I am in luck! They're having a buy one get one 50% off sale on shorts! So not only am I going to purchase a new pair of denim shorts, I think I might purchase some nice tan-brown shorts as well. Also to boot, I have about $35 left in American Eagle gift cards from Christmas! So I won't be spending all of my hard earned money.

However that is not the only reason for my trip to the mall. I am also browsing around for some heels to go with my prom dress. There are these pair of heels from Le Chateau that are perfect to me for my dress. The heel is short enough so I can easily walk in them, they look to be the same colour shade as my dress, they are peep-toe and they just look so fancy! I just love them! They are a bit pricey for me though, $80! So I am going to be smart about it. We are only in March and my prom isn't until June. They just have to go down in price by then! So that is why I will wait.

Until then, my eyes will still be open. :)

I want it!
To see the image better, view their website. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Going The Distance.

Here we go again, it starts on Monday!

Track and Field is what I am talking about. I've been doing Track and Field since I was in grade four. I continued it all the way to grade eight winning multiple ribbons. I have four first place, seven second place, three third place, two fourth place, one fifth place and four sixth place. I also have a bronze medal from our girls relay team. My best events that I went to regionals for every year were the 80/100 meter sprint and long jump. Those were the easy days though.

High school is much more competitive. There are people that you compete with that are the best in the province beating records every year. You're competing against the best, you're competing against athletes with personal trainers, you're competing with athletes that put most of their time training for these events. Myself however, do not have the time.

This year I have decided to join the track team to get back into shape. I feel as if I have lost most of my energy and have turned into a couch potato. My stomach is not the size it used to be, whenever I sit down my "chub" hangs over my pants and I just don't feel comfortable with myself. It's time for me to get up off of my ass and get back into shape! Of course I have tried doing daily sit-ups, but they did not turn into a daily thing. With Track and Field, I HAVE to go to practice, I HAVE to run the track, I HAVE to do circuits and this is the push I need to make myself feel comfortable about my body again.

This year I think I'm going to stay away from the running events. The last couple years my anxiety got the best of me and I would do poorly in my heat. I would get nervous about running against other athletes, my heart would be pounding out of my chest, and it was not a good feeling for me.  Also the sprints would usually take place in the morning when the coldness was unbearable! It wasn't the best thing in the world to have to strip down to a tank top and shorts in weather that was roughly two degrees. So that is why I'm going to stick with Long Jump.

However there is a negative side to this event as well. My right knee, is not in the best condition and that is my jumping leg. I've been to my doctor multiple times seeking answers as to what is wrong with it. I've gone for x-rays that show nothing and all my doctor tells me is that I should do physiotherapy. To begin with, my knee cap is swollen from an incident that I'm assuming happened in gym class. The left corner of it sticks out more than my other knee cap and my doctor told me that it will never be the same as it was. Also I have a feeling that the cartilage between my knee cap and Fibula has been worn down causing them to rub together. The medical term called Chondromalacia also known as Runner's knee. I wouldn't say that's exactly what is wrong, but it feels like it. The pain that I experience in my knee almost on a daily basis now is just aches. More or less joint aches I think. It acts up in cold weather, when it's raining and when I've been standing or walking for long periods of time. I wear a knee supporter that helps a little bit and apply a heating pad to it when I am at home, but it's just an irritating pain that I wish I could get rid of for good.

Despite my bad knee and lack of energy, I'm looking forward to getting back in shape and enduring Track and Field season 2011! :)

Everybody runs in their spikes, I run in my Pumas! :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Well, Glee wasn't on tonight.

I was looking forward to watching it. It's an interesting television show to me because I'd say it has a very good story line. It always keeps me on the edge of my seat. What crazy thing will Coach Sylvester do next? How are things with Kurt and Blaine? What is going on with Rachel, Quinn and Finn? So many things I want to know! But will unfortunately not find out tonight.

On another negative side I am sick with a cold and have been for the past few days. I must say one of the worst effects from a cold is a stuffed up nose! The constant sniffling, the changing of your voice, the tingly sensitive feeling. But the worst of it I would say happens at night. The past couple nights I have been having troubles falling asleep because of this stuffed up nose. When I lie on my right side, my right nostril is stuffed and I can not breathe at all out of it. When I lie on my left side, my left nostril is stuffed and I can not breathe at all out of it. It's one of the worst feelings in my opinion, not being able to breathe. However when I lie on my back, I seem to be fine. Not the best, but at least I can still breathe out of each nostril.

Thankfully I do not have a sore throat. That would just top it all off! I haven't been getting headaches which is a bonus as well. However I did notice today while in my Entrepreneurial Studies class that when I was talking to my friend, my throat felt really dry and I got that irritating tickle that caused me to cough. It's a scary feeling for me. Sometimes when that happens I will cough and cough and cough almost having the feeling of gagging. Another feeling that is just terrifying to me. So by the looks of it I'm going to have to limit my words for the next couple of days!

Hopefully this cold will be gone very very soon so I can feel my normal self again. :)

Glee- Kurt & Blaine.
Thankfully on the last episode, Blaine sealed the deal with a kiss!
I've been wanting these two to get together for a while now. :)

Monday, March 21, 2011


How irritating!

Well, I had to stay home from school today. First day back to school from March Break and I am at home. The positive side of this situation, I got a bonus add-on to my March Break and got to sleep in. I slept in till 11 this morning, it was quite nice I must say. The negative side of this situation, I was all caught up on my school work, and now I am behind again. Hopefully I won't be behind too much and can get caught up easily, but it's not something I look forward too.

Why did I stay home from school today? Well, last night while I was sleeping, if that's what you want to call it. To be honest, I was more or less tossing and turning every hour and could not exactly fall asleep. My left eye was burning and watering like crazy! I don't know if something was inside of it and I could not see it to get it out, or maybe it was just dry and lacking natural tears. Whatever it was it was very uncomfortable. When I would try to open my eyes, I couldn't because my left eye was so irritated that whenever I tried to open it, water would just pour out the side. This has never happened to me before and I did not know what to do.

Getting annoyed with myself, I asked my boyfriend Alex to take a look at it. He told me that it looked somewhat swollen and bloodshot. Probably from the tears pouring out and from me rubbing them away with my hand. He suggested that maybe it was an infection. But I thought it was highly doubtful. So I thought I would ask his mom if she could look at it. She thought that it could possibly be a stye, but that was not it. After taking a look, she suggested I put some eye-drop gel in it. I had never used an eye-dropper before so I did not know what it was going to feel like. I got her to drop it into my eye and it felt kind of cool. However I don't think I could have done it myself!

After getting the gel into my eye, I went back to bed. Thankfully it did help to sooth it. When going back to bed, it was 5:30 in the morning and I had to get up in the next hour for school. When my alarm went off, my eye was still slightly burning. I decided to not go to school because I did not want to sit in class with a swollen bloodshot eye that dripped water. Also I thought it would be best not to apply make-up to my eye either, which was another reason as to why I did not go. However one more dosage of the eye-dropper gel did the trick!

My eye is back to the way it's supposed to be, and I am happy for that! :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Give Me A Break!


Boy was this well needed! Being about a month and a half into second semester I'm already behind on homework! So I'd say this is the perfect time to get all caught up and kick back and relax a bit.

My March Break started off at work. Saturday and Sunday both 8-3 shifts. After work on Saturday, I decided to complete my art assignment. I had been working on it for two and a half weeks and thought it was time for it to be done! After working on it for so long, I started getting bored of drawing/colouring it. Thankfully I completed it that night!
Mutation Art- Peas & Corn.
On Sunday after work, my aunt dropped off her puppy for my mom and I to babysit. Just over a week ago my aunt added a new addition to her family. A Shih-Tzu named Tucker. Seeing as he is not even one year old yet, he needed to be watched while my aunt, uncle and cousin went away for a hockey tournament. He is just the cutest little thing! We watched him Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and I didn't want to give him back!

Even after the weekend my March Break still didn't exactly start seeing as I had to work Monday and Tuesday night as well! However I was definitely kept busy during the morning! Monday morning I was out and about with my mom gathering materials for Alex's birthday. His birthday was on Wednesday and I wanted to make him a big birthday card and cupcakes.

So first my mom and I headed to Dollarama. There were SO many different scrapbook stickers, I wanted to buy them all! But I had to choose the ones that fit best with the birthday card. After Dollarama, we headed to Shoppers Drugmart so I could print off some photos.

I had ten photos that I wanted to print off for the birthday card and I had never used the machine before so I carefully read through the instructions to make sure the pictures would be perfect. As I was editing my photos on the machine, a lady walks over to me and asks me how many photos I was printing. I told her ten. She asked me how long I was going to be because she had a couple photos she wanted to print off. Basically breathing over my shoulder, she stood there and waited for me. Honestly, some people have nerve! I was there before she was, so she just has to wait her turn! I thought it was quite rude. So when I was finished with my photos, she went right to the machine. After receiving my photos and shopping around a bit, before we left the store, she wasn't even finished at the machine yet. A couple of photos? Yeah right.

After Shoppers Drugmart, we headed to No Frills so I could grab my ingredients to make the cupcakes! I was getting super excited for my creations! I love baking, and I love scrapbooking. The scrapbook birthday card turned out really good and Alex loved it. The cupcakes also turned out amazingly and looked so colourful! I made chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing dipped into rainbow sprinkles with a single gummy bear in the center. Alex turned nineteen so I gave him nineteen cupcakes with nineteen candles, one in each cupcake. They couldn't have been better. I think there are four left? We basically inhaled them!
Nineteen cupcakes for nineteen years! :)
So yesterday was Alex's birthday and he said it was the best birthday yet! After waking up we decided to go to the mall. It was his birthday, yet he let me do my shopping, best boyfriend ever? I think so! So while we were at the mall, I figured I would do some prom dress browsing. I wasn't planning on buying a dress, just looking around to see what's out there. But, I ended up buying a dress! I had a dress in mind that I wanted, and this dress was similar to what I wanted, but better! It's a beige/cream coloured strapless dress just above the knees and has a design embedded into it. FOR $60! I highly doubt I would have gotten anything cheaper seeing as my price limit was $200. What a great deal!
Ignore my face, this is my prom dress! :)
So today, is our one year one month! We were supposed to go out for dinner at Pizza Hut, but we are both still so exhausted from shopping around at the mall yesterday, that we don't want to go anymore! So I don't know what we're going to do today, but even if we just relax, it's still a special day. :)

As for the rest of my March Break... Relax, Homework, Work. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wake Up Spring!

It is now the second day of March!

And I want Spring NOW! Waking up to snow falling from the sky, was not exactly what I would have liked to see. I am definitely ready for Spring! I'm tired of walking in the cold. I'm tired of waiting for the bus in the cold. I'm tired of just being cold in general! I want to be able to step out the door wearing nothing but the shoes (not boots!) on my feet and a sweater to keep me content. The first day of Spring is in eighteen days, and by the time that day rolls around, Spring better be here!

I have not blogged for a while seeing as I have been doing homework, working etc etc. Like always, no time or energy. So today I finished my homework early! So why not!

I am so glad that I decided to take an art class this year. Art is one of my passions and I found that I couldn't find the time to sit down and draw to my liking. Seeing as I now have an art class, I have to do art everyday and it is a part of my homework which is awesome! So I thought I would share a couple drawings that I have created in my art class as a test and assignment.

This was my first art test. I was given a drawing to complete of two glasses, a tea cup, a kettle and some plates. Mind you it wasn't exactly a drawing to my liking but it had to be done. Four hours later and it didn't turn out too bad! I especially like the kettle and tea cup. :)

This is my cubism assignment. The photo is of three cameras, two in the front and then the back of a camera behind the two front ones. I used Pencil, Pencil Crayons, Black Sharpie, Pastels and Black Pen to create this drawing. :)

I have another drawing in process as well. The assignment was to create five examples of fruits and vegetables combined into one. For my examples I did a Strawberry and Kiwi, Watermelon and Orange, Corn and Peas, Pepper and Cucumber, Peach and Apple. Then once I created my five examples, I had to choose one and draw a photo of it growing. So I chose Peas and Corn. Basically it looks like corn on the cob, but instead of corn, peas! For my drawing I am not drawing how it is grown. Instead I have decided to make a collage of it as if you were looking into a basket of it. I'm excited to see what it's going to look like once it's complete! However I hope I don't run out of green pencil crayons!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Wheels On The Bus.

Oh city buses, you make me mad sometimes.

I honestly don't know what is wrong with some bus drivers, but some of their chosen actions are completely rude and can piss a person off! But it's not just the drivers that can piss you off. Some situations on the bus can make you quite irritated as well.

Today for example I was waiting for the bus after school like always. As minutes passed more and more students showed up waiting to get on the bus to go home as well. I actually really hate catching the first bus home. It is usually completely packed and uncomfortable. I'd rather wait for a second or third bus so there is a greater chance of actually getting a seat. Today the bus was super packed. They couldn't even fit everyone on. Standing behind a guy and in front of a girl, I was sandwiched in. The annoying part of this was that the girl standing behind me, her bag kept pushing against my bag forcing me into the guy in front of me. Then once the bus started to move, her and her friend stepped on my feet. It was not pleasant. Stop after stop, people left their seats to leave the bus. Luckily I was able to snag a seat. The rest of the ride was good. Then we caught a train. Sitting on a packed still bus with the sun beaming in your face, is not a good time. I was relieved when I got off the bus.

However that is not the only time I ran into irritation while on the bus. There had been a couple times when I was on the bus when I would pull the "dinger" to get off at the next stop having to push my way through crowds of people to get to the door. A couple times I could reach the door just on time, or so I would think. Having my hand on the door, it would not open. The light was green and the bus was still. Technically I was still able to leave the bus. However the bus driver would not let me out and I would have to wait until the next stop. So inconvenient.

There have also been times on the bus where I would think to myself, "Wow, did that just happen?" For example I was on the bus downtown and we sat at a stop for about ten minutes. A little old lady was making her way to the bus on a walker when the bus began to pull away. The lady waved her hand in the air, but the bus did not stop. I felt so bad for this little old lady, I could not believe the bus driver would just ignore her when they clearly saw her. Sadly that is not the first time I've seen that happen. It happens a lot actually.

Also not to be rude or anything, but there are people out there, that just don't take care of themselves. By this I mean they have a distinct oder that just carries. I have sat near people who smell like urine. I have sat near people that smell like complete garbage. And just the other day I sat by a guy who smelt like fish. It was the most terrible thing I ever had to endure. Sitting there I could not be rude and just remove myself from my seat to sit somewhere else, I'm not that type of person. But the smell was just horrid. I stuck my face in my scarf to get some fresh air because the actual air around me was not fresh at all! I had to look away to catch some real air and it was just not good. Thankfully he did not sit there my whole bus ride. But even after he left the bus, I could still smell it. Terrible.

I can unfortunately say I have been one of the few people I know who has gotten into an accident while on the bus! My boyfriend and I were late for school one morning so we caught a later bus. We usually listen to music while on our way so we don't really pay attention to what is going on. Sitting there calmly, the bus jerked and swerved to the right and then back to the left. I had no idea what was going on. My heart was racing and I had hit my knee off of the seat in front of me. Apparently some body ran a red light and if the bus had not swerved, we would have actually hit the person. There were two baby buggies on the bus when this happened. One of them tipped and the other one tipped as the mother of the child fell toward the front of the bus. It was quite the scene and I did not think I would ever witness some body falling on the bus.

I highly doubt any of these problems will be resolved. The only thing I want, is to arrive from point A to point B safely. :)
London City Transit.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Will You Be My Valentine?

La la la la laaa, Happy Valentines Day!

I realize Valentines Day was yesterday, but I did not have the time to blog! So here is my Valentines Day blog the day after Valentines Day! I'm going to start off my blog by going back one year ago...

February 14th 2010,
This was the very first date my current boyfriend and I went on. We were not dating at the time, just seeing each other and getting to know each other. I remember being at work on the Sunday Valentines Day morning when my co-workers were asking what everyone was doing for the day. I remember being so excited yet so nervous for my first date!

Our plans for the night were to go our for dinner at Swiss Chalet and to go to the movies to see Valentines Day. I can remember when he met me at my house. We sat in my room while we waited for my mom to get ready to drive us to the restaurant. I was so shy and had no idea what to say, so it was somewhat awkward. However as soon as we got to the restaurant it was smooth sailing from there.

I can remember barely even eating my food because I was just so caught up in the moment, I wasn't even hungry! He made me laugh and kept me smiling the whole way through. I'm pretty sure I went home with a sore face that night from smiling so much! I thought he was such a great guy. The movie we went to see was packed. It was no doubt though seeing as it was Valentines Day and the movie was called Valentines Day. We ended up sitting on the floor at the back of the theater which I think was more than perfect. The whole date was perfect and I had an amazing time.

February 14th 2011,
For this Valentines Day, my boyfriend and I went out for dinner as we did last year. However this year we decided to go to East Side Marios! I'm glad we went at the time we did because soon after we were seated more people started to enter and they were running out of tables! Every single table around us was already taken, it was bizarre!

The problem I find with East Side Marios, is that seeing as they give you unlimited garlic bread and salad, you're obviously going to eat before your dinner arrives. Ever single time this happens, I end up eating too much because I'm so hungry and then by the time my dinner comes, I am not hungry to eat it. I seriously don't even think I nearly ate half of my pasta. But it was still delicious nonetheless.

Seeing as Valentines Day landed on a Monday this year, it was Bachelor night! On this episode of The Bachelor, Brad was down to six girls. He had to send two home and the remaining four would go on home town dates so Brad could meet their families. One girl he sent home while he was on a date with her. There was just no romantic connection, more or less a friendship. The other girl he sent home, I was jumping for joy! This girl would be Michelle. Ever since the very first episode I hated her and wanted her to go home badly. In her mind, she was the ONLY girl for Brad and she wanted every other girl to go home so she could start her life with him. Excuse my language, but she is a proper B*TCH! So happy she went home.

That was the end of my Valentines Day. :)

Also on Valentines Day, my school had a bake sale!
I made goody bags and sold them all! :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Brick By Boring Brick

I am officially finished my first week of semester two!

All of my classes are off to a good start and i'm all caught up! Not that it would have been hard to get caught up because we have barely done anything!

First period: Art. For the first two days of art class we worked on review. Seeing as I had not taken an art class at my school since grade nine, I barely knew anything on the review sheet! However most of it was common sense. We had just begun to work on one of our major assignments this week. Cubism Art. We basically have to draw a picture only using straight lines and then split the drawing up into pieces and use different utensils for each section. Of course I would draw cameras! So on my sheet of paper I have two cameras on angles, one is larger than the other, and then the back of a camera in the background behind the first two. For my drawing I am using pencil crayons, black sharpie, pencil, black pen and pastels. So far, it is coming along nicely. Also this past Thursday our first sketchbook was due! Every Thursday we have a drawing assignment that is due to be critiqued. This week was a teacup and saucer. I had done what I did not want to do which was leave it till the last minute and basically rushed my drawing. I spent about an hour on it and was content with it. I knew it was not perfect and I knew my ovals were not even. But I did not want to fix it at that moment. It was late and I was tired and figured I would just fix it the next day. With a bit of shading here and a bit of erasing there, I got 10/10.

Second period: Yearbook and Journalism. I have this class with my International Business teacher from last semester. She is super nice and very down to earth. Basically what we're producing and publishing in this class is our school yearbook. We take photos, interview people and teachers, attend events and pretty much assemble the yearbook. Today was the last day for homeroom students to purchase their yearbooks. I however did not purchase mine. Today was pay day and I went to the bank this morning to check my balance and pull out some money. I don't like bringing my wallet to school and today I needed to buy a drink for my lunch. So not thinking I brought $20 to school for my drink. The yearbook costs $20. So I could not purchase it because I did not have enough money on me. However! Being in the yearbook class, I don't think it is too late! This week we've been getting to know our classmates. We played mini activities and get to know you games and are currently working on presentations with information about us and what we can do to contribute to the yearbook. Simple stuff. Also this week we are putting together a Valentines Day bake sale! We need to raise money to print our yearbooks out in full colour, (yeah, it sucks) so we have been trying our very best to make this a well known event! We have posted flyers all around the school, (which I made!) and have made a couple announcements. Hopefully the word will be out and we can raise enough money to get us started! With the goody bags I am making, how could people say no?

Fourth period: Entrepreneurial Studies. Oh so many quizzes! So far in this class we have done multiple online quizzes to see where we sit as future entrepreneurs. The first two were okay, then we got into the third quiz and the fourth quiz, it got so tiring and was a chore to complete these quizzes! However once again, simple stuff. This week consisted of self assessments letting others know about ourselves and finding where we sit as individuals as entrepreneurs. Today we did our first assignment as a class. We watched an episode of Dragons Den, a show about entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas in order to secure investment finance from a panel of venture capitalists. This was the first time I have ever watched the show or even heard of it. It was really quite interesting and humorous to watch! Some of the business pitches included a women trying to sell a kit for protection against germs and diseases, three business men trying to sell a mineral type product, a man trying to sell a Fenis (basically a way for women to stand while urinating) and a woman trying to sell Saskatoon Berries to get well known. All of the ideas failed, other than the woman trying to sell the Saskatoon Berries. It's crazy how hard it could be to get a business started and the steps you have to take in order to make it work!

Fifth period: English.  I usually don't mind English. I'm usually decently good at it. However the topic for English for this year is Human Rights. In my opinion, I think this is a topic that should be discussed in a law or history class. I have no interest in it, nor do I know anything about it and want to know anything about it. However having the teacher I have and my friends around me, I think it will go over a lot more smoother. So far the first week we have been introduced to the Human Rights and what they mean. It's been a slack week seeing as we've only done a couple work sheets and had a presentation today by the creators of the comic book series Kill Shakespeare. It was an interesting presentation that kept me interested from the presenters humor. If it weren't for that I honestly think I would have been bored out of my mind. However I did have back-up! Before I attended the presentation I bought a package of skittles from the school vending machine. It helped a lot!

So that was my first week of semester two! On to the next week!

Here is an example of Cubism. :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Tonight was the night.

The night of the Beal Art interview! I could not even tell you how nervous I was pulling up to the school. Butterflies in my stomach and everything!

As I got out of the car, I noticed other people entering the school as well. Apparently there was an orientation going on at the same time as the interview was, so not everyone was going to the school for the same reason. When I entered the school and walked down to the basement, there was nobody there. It was so quiet, actually kind of freaky! But then another girl had followed me down the stairs for the same reason. We were just early! Soon after, one of the teachers showed up.

As we waited for more people to arrive, only a couple others did. It being so quiet, they took the girl who came in after me for an interview first while another teacher took us on a tour of the art studios. He took us through all of the rooms. The textile room, photography room as well as the dark room, ceramics room etc etc. Each room we entered there was something different going on. It made me excited yet nervous. Excited at the fact that I could possibly be creating that sort of art, but nervous at the fact that I would have no idea what i'm doing! However the teachers would teach me everything I would need to know.

When we were finished our little tour it was then my time to get interviewed. As I sat down in the chair with one of the art teachers I pulled out my portfolio, drawing book and painting and he started to take a look. At first I was a bit nervous because he seemed to look through my photo's very quickly. I thought to myself, "is he actually seeing them the way I see them?" , " does he not like them?" I began to get nervous.

However as the interview continued I got more comfortable. He asked me how long I have been doing art for and if I had taken any previous art courses at school. I told him that I had been doing art since grade five and had learned everything I know from my grandpa who taught me how to paint and draw. I then went on to tell him that I had taken a grade nine art course and am currently in a grade eleven art course. The gap between as to why I took art in grade nine and stopped until grade twelve made him questionable. He then asked me why I had done that. I then went on to explain how grade nine art seemed a bit slow for me. I felt as if everything I was learning in grade nine art I already knew. Trying to explain this to him made me feel a bit cocky, and I did not want to give off that impression. 

After all the questions and browsing he then began to give me sheets of paper regarding information on the Art Program and registration sheets. I was very confused by this. I thought to myself, "Why is he giving me these sheets now? Am I in? He never told me I was accepted?" But I thought I would keep my thoughts to myself until the end of my interview. Sure enough at the end of his explanations, he finished it with, " You're accepted. "

Hearing those two words, ended my worries. They ended my stress. They ended my concerns, and made me feel so relieved. I was almost shocked at the fact that I had gotten accepted right there on the spot! So I filled out my registration form, gathered my work, and was leaving the school accepted!

I can now not wait to start my year in Beal Art. :)

Beal Art 2012. ♥

Monday, January 31, 2011


Done done and done!

I am officially done my first semester, and boy am I glad! Those classes were really starting to get annoying. I mean, sure it's nice to be on the computer, it's an advanced way to learn and complete your work. But when you're on the computer for every single one of your classes, it gets to be annoying! You get tired of typing, you get tired starring at a screen all period and to be honest, I just wanted to write! So i'm definitely glad that I now get a break from computer classes. My second semester I have one computer class which is good enough for me!

So my exams were not too bad! I went into my Communications Technology exam in the 80's. I went into my International Business exam with a 81% and I went into my Business in the Digital Environment exam with an 80%. So it was quite obvious and a relief that I was 100% sure I was going to pass all of my classes. Like the exams were really going to be that hard.

For my Communications Technology exam, I had to do a presentation presenting my final project to my teacher and classmates. As I had mentioned in another one of my blogs, my Communications Technology final project was a digital portfolio done in Hyper Studio. I basically had to present myself as a graphics designer and show case my talents and show that I was able to include sound, animation and Photoshop elements to my slides. The presentation was fast and simple and then it was on to the written part. The written part however, no big deal, it was just a write up on what went well and what didn't go well while designing my portfolio! No studying, all my own opinions, one exam, done.

For my International Business exam, we actually had to study. Myself, I HATE studying. Especially when the subject is of no interest to me. I mean, you try sitting at your computer reading note after note about exporting and importing with other countries with trade barriers and policies. It's just not interesting for me! But that is what I had to do. With an Ice-Capp in my hand the night before, I sat at my computer and read over all of my notes. I'd say the exam was okay. A bit of the information that I had read stuck in my head and I was able to complete the exam. With fifty multiple choice questions, you would think it was simple. No. The written part, required so much writing. I thought my hand was going to fall off! I was so glad when I was finished! However the Tim Horton's muffins my teacher brought for us, made it not as bad.

For my final Business in the Digital Environment exam, (which was written today) it was again, a write up on what I had learned in the course and how I will use it in the future. Very simple. I'm glad I didn't have to do any studying this semester other than International Business!

With everything being finished, I am now looking forward to starting a new semester. :)

Art, Yearbook, Entrepreneurial Studies, English.
Hello semester two. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No Strings Attached.

No Strings Attached.

This movie came out last Friday, (January 21st) and my boyfriend and I went to see it and it was such a cute movie!

In this comedy starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher, Emma (Natalie Portman) and Adam (Ashton Kutcher) are life-long friends who almost ruin everything by having sex one morning. In order to protect their friendship, they make a pact to keep their relationship strictly “no strings attached.” “No strings” means no jealousy, no expectations, no fighting, no flowers, no baby voices. It means they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, in whatever public place they want, as long as they don’t fall in love. The question becomes – who’s going to fall first?

To be honest, at the beginning of the movie, I will admit, I was a bit lost. Only because as they went from 15 years earlier to 10 years earlier, the girl somewhat changed a lot once she hit the present time. So when they met up, I didn't know who he was talking to! But as the movie went along, I knew exactly who it was.

The movie was not only a cute romantic but was also a comedy! There is nothing worse, than a complete romantic movie, it's just too boring! But throw some comedy in there and you are good to go! And they found the perfect actors to do it! Ashton Kutcher is beyond hilarious and Natalie Portman, well, her character wasn't exactly the funniest, but she had her moments!

For me, this was the first movie I've actually seen, where the characters are afraid to fall in love and don't want to. Usually every other romance movie you see the two main characters are completely head over heels for each other and are just having the perfect relationship. This was a big change because a lot of people out there have the same emotions. They're scared of falling in love for the fear of getting hurt, and i'm so happy that they made a movie based on this because it can relate to a lot of people.

I would definitely recommend that you go see this movie. :)

Here is a link for the No Strings Attached Trailer!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I am bored!

I am currently at school right now sitting in my International Business class. I am finished all of my final projects, THANK GOODNESS! It's such a big chunk of stress off of my shoulders. Although now the disadvantage of this, is that I am bored, with nothing to do.

Facebook and YouTube and what not are unblocked on the school computers, although I have no desire to go on them. I browse Facebook for about five minutes and then get bored. Nothing really happens during school hours. So I now find myself writing this blog.

I haven't actually blogged for a couple weeks now! I've been busy trying to get caught up on my school work and completing my final projects. Then on top of that, work. So I haven't exactly had the energy to post. So I think now is the perfect time!

Now that my final projects are finished, I have a new project I am working on. The Beal Art Interview is in less than two weeks and I still do not have my portfolio put together! Sure I have all the photo's, drawings and paintings I wish to put in it, but I don't have a folder, and I don't have them printed out. Reason being, I am currently in the process of drawing one more piece to add into it. I had two drawings of people, and one painting of flowers. But I wanted to show that I have greater abilities than that. So I had this photo of the Eiffel Tower that had quite a bit of detail in it, I figured that this would be perfect. The photo is almost finished and there has been over five hours put into it so far. I did not want to rush this piece so it would be near to perfect. It's looking good and I'm excited to see the finished product!

As soon as I am finished this photo, I will be on my way to finding a folder and printing my photo's! I'm really looking forward to this interview, it's been something I've been working on and thinking about a lot, and I just want it to be the best interview. I'm very confident about it.

Other than that, there is not much happening. That has been my main focus recently other than getting my work done.

I am looking forward to a new semester, and a fresh start. :)

This is the photo that i'm drawing. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah!

Could the day just end already?

I am so tired, and sore and just lazy! I've been up since 6:45 this morning getting ready for work. My mom picked me up around 7 and then I headed to work at 7:50 to start my shift at 8. It was only a 4.5 hour shift, but for some reason, it went by much slower than a 7 or 8 hour shift! Maybe it was the fact that I didn't get a break? Or possibly the fact that I was order taking the whole time. It's probably both! After non-stop talking for four hours, your throat gets a bit dry and sore, and it did not make me feel the greatest.

I had a few plans that I wanted to do after work, and I didn't do any of them because I was so exhausted. Other than one actually. One of my plans was to go to White Oaks to exchange a sweater I had gotten too small, didn't happen. Another one of my plans was to shoot some winter photo's in Wortley Village, didn't happen. Then I wanted to go to Wal-Mart to get a frame for my grandpa's birthday present, didn't happen either. I just didn't have the ambition to do anything! The one thing I did do though was get myself a new profile picture for Facebook! Nice achievement huh?

Anywho, recently I have found myself listening to Ke$ha a lot. I had gotten her CD on my iPhone and decided to take a listen and I am hooked! Her songs are just so exciting and make me want to dance! Very very catchy songs. Although I have noticed that her lyrics are not the best. They are actually kind of trashy in my opinion. Not in all of the songs though, just a few. Regardless the songs are still catchy and enjoyable to listen to!

Here are some links to her popular songs to have a listen!
Your Love Is My Drug ->
Take It Off ->
Blah Blah Blah ->
Tik Tok ->


Friday, January 7, 2011


I'm ready!

Ready to begin my final projects that is. I have three to complete that I have not started on yet that are due before the end of the month. This past week I have been getting caught up on all of my assignments in all of my classes so I am ready to go and get started on my final projects! It was a success! A very productive week i'd say.

My three final projects would consist of a Hyper Studio presentation in Communications Technology, a guide book in International Business between Canada and Poland and a Business Portfolio in Introduction to Business. Each final project is going to take a lot of organization and a lot of thinking.

My final project for Communications Technology is done in a program called Hyper Studio, a program that I have never used before, and have no idea how to work. All my teacher gave me was a booklet on how to do the basics. Add text, add background colours, add photo's and animations, simple stuff. She however didn't exactly give me a print-out for my final project. She had written in point form on the white board what we basically had to do, but to me it's not described in detail well enough. This teacher in my opinion is not the best teacher I've ever had. In fact I wouldn't even call her a teacher. Today was the first day I opened up the program to begin my project and I got stumped when trying to add a photo. The program would not open files under PDF or any other file name in Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop. When I asked the teacher what to do, she simply told me that the file EXP would work, but there wasn't even an option in Hyper Studio. Walking away from my question, I decided to just close the program and begin again on Monday. If she was not going to help me, there wasn't much I could do. Basically the project is to create a five page slide show with animations, voice recordings and buttons to go to and from pages. The presentation is to persuade a client that you should be their graphic designer. So my pages would consist of a title page letting them know who I am and what I do. A slide for my logo designs and self portrait made in Adobe Illustrator. A slide to show my drawings. A slide to show my photography. And a conclusion slide as to why I would be the right choice for them. I basically know exactly what's going in it and what it's going to look like. Now all I need to know is how to work the program! Hopefully next week I can get things rolling!

My final project for International Business is a guide book pretty much giving all of the information about Poland and it's International Business Relations with Canada. We have been working on IBP's throughout the semester that are going into the guide book. I haven't exactly read the instructions for the final project but that is basically what it is. Simple enough, i'm just glad that we don't have to do a presentation!

For my Introduction to Business class our final project AND exam is to create a business portfolio on our chosen business. Mine of course is photography. What we have to do, is create a portfolio made up with business cards, business letterheads, memo's, fax covers and reports with our own logo and information. Along with my International Business final project, I have not quite read the instructions on this project either. All I know is I will have to present this to not only my teacher, but to someone who works in a business. And this is not only a presentation, but an interview. This worries me a bit. The very first interview I had for a job, I blew. Having experience with my second interview at Tim Horton's and getting the job, I have higher confidence. Just the fact that it's an interview, gets my heart pounding. I have a feeling I will be very nervous for this, and it's only a final project! 

Next week, I begin. :)

None of my final projects are written.
They're all computer classes!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Create Yourself.

Oh how excited I am becoming!

For what you may ask? Next year! From what I recall I don't think I mentioned my artistic side. I might have, but I don't remember at this moment! Not only am I interested in Photography but I am also interested in drawing and painting. It was a talent that I received from my grandpa Buck, (his name is actually Charles but ever since I was a baby I called him Buck!) Ever since I was in public school I was a very talented drawer. Art was my favourite subject and I came up with great drawings! Heck I even had some of my class mates ask me to do some of there drawings for them! But pretty much all my life I've had a talent and interest with drawing.

Public school was when my grandpa began to teach me how to paint. We would sit in his kitchen and he would teach me how to do brush strokes, and how to mix the paint on the palette, how to properly clean my brushes, how to do specific features and pretty much anything I needed to know and wanted to know. He used to paint every day with his oil paint, beautiful landscapes. I now have his oil paint that he gave to me to use for my paintings. But I don't think I would be where I am today with my drawings without his guidance.

This is my grandpa Buck. :)

That being said, the high school that I attend is known for the arts, and they have an Art Program, which is what I am going to be a part of next year! At least I hope so! The Art Program is not just something you can sign up for and join. You need to attend an interview with a portfolio to get accepted. My portfolio consists of three paintings, two drawings and five photo's. This way they can see my three talents!

This is a painting that was in the Art Show last year.
There is so much detail put into it! Amazing.

Technically, this is my graduating year. I could be going to college next year to get started on my career path. But I chose to do a victory lap to join this program. I thought it would be a good experience, and look good when applying to college for Photography. It will show that I am interested in the arts and have experience with photography seeing as the Art Program isn't just about drawing and painting, it's about photography too! With hands on experience and getting to know more about the camera and photo taking, I think it would be a great thing to experience before heading into college!

The next portfolio interview is on February 3rd, and i'm ready! :)

Portfolio Painting #1- Jack Frost.

Portfolio Drawing #1- The Mad Hatter.

Portfolio Photo #1- The City of Toronto.