I am currently at school right now sitting in my International Business class. I am finished all of my final projects, THANK GOODNESS! It's such a big chunk of stress off of my shoulders. Although now the disadvantage of this, is that I am bored, with nothing to do.
Facebook and YouTube and what not are unblocked on the school computers, although I have no desire to go on them. I browse Facebook for about five minutes and then get bored. Nothing really happens during school hours. So I now find myself writing this blog.
I haven't actually blogged for a couple weeks now! I've been busy trying to get caught up on my school work and completing my final projects. Then on top of that, work. So I haven't exactly had the energy to post. So I think now is the perfect time!
Now that my final projects are finished, I have a new project I am working on. The Beal Art Interview is in less than two weeks and I still do not have my portfolio put together! Sure I have all the photo's, drawings and paintings I wish to put in it, but I don't have a folder, and I don't have them printed out. Reason being, I am currently in the process of drawing one more piece to add into it. I had two drawings of people, and one painting of flowers. But I wanted to show that I have greater abilities than that. So I had this photo of the Eiffel Tower that had quite a bit of detail in it, I figured that this would be perfect. The photo is almost finished and there has been over five hours put into it so far. I did not want to rush this piece so it would be near to perfect. It's looking good and I'm excited to see the finished product!
As soon as I am finished this photo, I will be on my way to finding a folder and printing my photo's! I'm really looking forward to this interview, it's been something I've been working on and thinking about a lot, and I just want it to be the best interview. I'm very confident about it.
Other than that, there is not much happening. That has been my main focus recently other than getting my work done.
I am looking forward to a new semester, and a fresh start. :)

This is the photo that i'm drawing. :)
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