I was looking forward to watching it. It's an interesting television show to me because I'd say it has a very good story line. It always keeps me on the edge of my seat. What crazy thing will Coach Sylvester do next? How are things with Kurt and Blaine? What is going on with Rachel, Quinn and Finn? So many things I want to know! But will unfortunately not find out tonight.
On another negative side I am sick with a cold and have been for the past few days. I must say one of the worst effects from a cold is a stuffed up nose! The constant sniffling, the changing of your voice, the tingly sensitive feeling. But the worst of it I would say happens at night. The past couple nights I have been having troubles falling asleep because of this stuffed up nose. When I lie on my right side, my right nostril is stuffed and I can not breathe at all out of it. When I lie on my left side, my left nostril is stuffed and I can not breathe at all out of it. It's one of the worst feelings in my opinion, not being able to breathe. However when I lie on my back, I seem to be fine. Not the best, but at least I can still breathe out of each nostril.
Thankfully I do not have a sore throat. That would just top it all off! I haven't been getting headaches which is a bonus as well. However I did notice today while in my Entrepreneurial Studies class that when I was talking to my friend, my throat felt really dry and I got that irritating tickle that caused me to cough. It's a scary feeling for me. Sometimes when that happens I will cough and cough and cough almost having the feeling of gagging. Another feeling that is just terrifying to me. So by the looks of it I'm going to have to limit my words for the next couple of days!
Hopefully this cold will be gone very very soon so I can feel my normal self again. :)
Glee- Kurt & Blaine.
Thankfully on the last episode, Blaine sealed the deal with a kiss!
I've been wanting these two to get together for a while now. :)
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