I don't think it's hard to tell that i'm excited. But sadly, Christmas isn't the main topic in this blog.
Today is day three in Dance Class Drama. We're now trying to put the first verse, the chorus and the second verse together. This is an issue. There are people bumping into each other and people not making it to there positions on time, which would be me. This frustrates me only because the teacher informed us today that she is making cuts to those who can not perform the choreography perfectly. I can do the choreography, but by missing four counts because I can't get to my spot, worries me a bit. I really don't think it would be fair to be cut from the chorus that can be fixed with simple count adjustments. If I had a couple more counts, then I would be able to make it to my spot on time and perform the choreography. But, we will just have to wait and see what happens, I have my fingers crossed!
On another note, I had a dentist appointment after school. I would just like to say now, I hate the dentist and the doctors. I always have fear that they're going to tell me that something is wrong. But I was only going to get x-rays done.
Way back in December, I had a dentist appointment having to do with my wisdom teeth. In that x-ray, my surgeon saw a white and black spot on the left side of my bottom jaw. Nothing too serious but he wanted to keep an eye on it to see if it changed at all. So he had scheduled an appointment for me nine months later to see any changes.
Well that didn't take too long to turn around the corner! I went into the appointment nervous, even though I had no reason to be, it's just the way my nerves are. I got another x-ray done, and waited for the dentist. When he came into the room, he had the x-ray from today, and from my last visit nine months ago. The white and black spot had gotten smaller since the last time he x-rayed it, which is a good thing! He still wants to keep an eye on it just in case! So I have to go back in June for another x-ray, joy.
I can't remember exactly what he said it could be, it was a long word, but apparently it is common. The word lesion was mentioned so I suppose it has something to do with that. If it's not bothering me and causing me no pain, then it's nothing to really worry about. He did mention that if it happens to get bigger in the next seven months, he might want to do a biopsy to get a sample of my tissue and bone from that area. This I am not excited about.
But! It's most likely not gonna happen, and i'm pretty sure I have nothing to worry about. :)
This is my x-ray from December.
You can see that my Wisdom Teeth are still in my mouth!
They're not there anymore! :)
And the white faint circle on the right side near my front teeth,
that is what the dentist is keeping an eye on,
the circle is much smaller now than it was before. :)